Exam Description

The XBRL certification exam is designed for professionals looking to confirm their understanding of XBRL projects and taxonomy regulatory reporting processes.

Key Concepts Validated by the Certification

  • Taxonomy in ControllerView Terms
  • Taxonomy in Regulator Terms
  • Onboarding Taxonomy Releases
  • Taxonomy Modules and Branches
  • Taxonomy Mapping and Branches
  • Basic Issue Troubleshooting

Target Audience

The XBRL certification exam is ideal for professionals engaged in AxiomSL implementations, including business analysts, developers, and power business users.

Exam Details

Group: Functional

Format: Multiple-Choice and True/False questions

No. of credits: 4

No. of questions: 100

Time Allotted: 150 mins

Cost: USD $400

Prepare for Your Exam

To prepare for this certification exam, we recommend referring to the eLearning course accessible via the AxiomSL eLearning portal:

  • Introduction to ControllerView
  • ControllerView Framework
  • XBRL Product

This page provides details related to the selected exam only. Purchasing the exam does not provide access to the training material.

Course curriculum

    1. 113- XBRL

About this course

  • 1 lesson